Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Motivation and Inspiration

Today I am again motivated and inspired and am excited to keep working with honesty, integrity and clarity of purpose. However I find it very difficult to maintain this level of motivation ongoingly. But I guess that's where my humanity kicks in. And I committ to be inspired continuously.

I have helped and supported my colleagues on Monday and have motivated them in there dire straights. However on Monday evening after meeting my partner, the realization hit that the business is not really working out and I will have to find an alternative soon enough. On Tuesday one thing led to another and I myself made lots of meanings of failure and then got totally demotivated. But having learnt several techniques at Landmark, fundamental of Jainism and also becoming mature in life, I have overcome that today. I am back to the inspiration and motivation after counselling my son Tuesday evening.

Life must go on and need to come from being inspired without the worry of results, although the focus has to be the results. So I recommitt to being inspired and motivated and to "Don't worry, Be Happy".

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