Tuesday, March 24, 2009

What can we pass on to the next generation

I am writing this post sitting at San Francisco airport. It is amazing what all we can do these days from all possible places.

Well the dominant thought present to my mind today after certain discussions yesterday and today is what can we really pass on to the next generation. I am totally in synch with Great poet Kabir - who wrote
"पूत कपूत तो क्यों धन संचय, पूत सपूत तो क्यों धन संचय"
(If child is bad why collect wealth, if child is good why collect wealth).
In other words just make your child good and not waste time in collecting wealth. Wealth can be lost and made depending upon whether we have skills (education), Attitude and most importantly values.

Hence I have decided for many years that I will provide good values, all possible education and positive attitudes to my children in inheritance. I will ask them to make their own money and not provide any wealth (money) to my children. I will put all my funds for doing social work in providing the above 3 aspects to as many children as possible in the world.

So that all, folks!!!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Maturity comes from experience and patience

Today I am writing after a gap of 2 weeks. A lot has happened during these 2 weeks and what I have learnt is that I have acquired tremendous maturity in handling all kinds of emotional and stressful situations. I think this maturity has resulted mainly from experiences in life and also with patience, which has been the key learning for me in last couple of years.

Also I have started dealing with happenings of life with equanimity, which comes from the deep internalization of the fact, 'all is normal when life looks like this'. In corollary what ever happens, happens for good. Hence now I deal with the situation in pretty even handed manner and move one.

I Have handled teen ager scenarios, separation from business collaborator, handled co-worker's separation from his girl friend, wife's car accident, her citizenship interview, meeting with different kinds of people for education and in dealing with their mid life crisis, handled friends car breaking, my own car stalling in the middle of very busy road, children's sickness etc. etc. The main thing is that since I handled all of this with maturity and patience I brought in equanimity in all.

Wish every one can learn - What ever happens, happens for good - and quickly.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Double whammy? STILL get up and Go - You have not failed until you can get up one more time than the times you fall

Today I had double or shall I say triple whammy right in the morning; when I saw my children doing poorly in their school academically and then as soon as I reached office I heard the voicemail from a client that we have lost a major business opportunity on which I have been working on for over a year. I was already thinking 'negative' and the loss of business opportunity really sent me to pits.

However I decided to go through it and take the total responsibility of the world, as it occurs to me. My dear wife tried her level best to console me and also the collaborator who is partly responsible for the loss of opportunity also did his best. Certainly their consoling words helped but ultimately what got me back up is that I continued to take actions and kept myself totally busy. In fact I completed many tasks today than most days at work.

So the learning again got reemphasized that in life you are responsible for the world as it occurs to you. Also one has not failed until he can get up just one more time than the number of times he falls.

The great thing is that instead getting in to blame game and making others and the world wrong about what was happening to me, I took charge and took full responsibility. Hence completed a conference call, another conference call, wished coworker Happy Birthday, called up a CEO for new consulting assignment, coordinated for a lady to learn conversational Hindi, went through another conference call on a current consulting assignment, where in almost finalized a visit to India towards end of the month, had one more call with a CSO and Board member of several Pharma and Biotech firms, took stock of Bay area initiatives Aagami has taken, added several companies to that list, confirmed booking summer vacation tickets to India, talked to a current customer, who despite being unhappy about slow progress of his project assured of giving a new project, coordinated his meeting with my friend visiting from India, wrote email for business opportunity fulfilling them with latest collected information and sent several reminder emails to Indian companies for investment opportunities working on. All this besides handling other general emails and phone calls. Wow!!! Now that's called an action packed day.

Lage raho Pappu bhai...........................

Sunday, March 1, 2009

my Impossible Promise

Today is the first day of March 2009 of common era and I am here to share and declare my 'Imposiible Promise' thru my Blog with the world. My impossible promise is that by 2030 all children in the world believe that imagination creates limitless possibilities and all dreams can be achieved and realized.

So Imagine, Dream and Realize.

Earlier I was confronted by the choice of the word 'impossible' in the promise, but today after sharing it with my Landmark Education 'Power and Contribution' course group I have truly realized that 'impossible' does mean 'I M Possible'. In fact in my own life I have achieved so many of seemingly impossible dreams in very short time. One example being going around the world, which I had declared around the age of 12-13 to a close friend and made a bet with him. This caused that dream of my going around the world come in to existence in time and space and by the time I was 25 I had already gone around the world at least once and since then have done in many more times, and now it has become so routine that I do not even think about it.

So here by I make the declaration of my promise again "By 2030 all children believe that imagination creates limitless possibilities and all dreams can be achieved and realized." Wow!!! There is a certain power in writing this. I frees one from the concerns and also the enormity of the task.

Again today during our conference call with the group there were many sharings and learnings. What stayed with me till now is that 'In future the competition among groups, nations and/or communities transforms in to Cooperation or more like Coopetition i.e. Coperative competition, which means that they compete not to defeat or eliminate others but to excel themselves or 'to push the envelope to the next level' for creating new records of human achievements.

Also the Militaries and armies of today transform in to natural disaster management forces, instead being the creator of disasters for 'enemies'. Well that would be such a great world to live in to and I am sure very soon, we will find ourselves living in such a world through coopetition.

Jai Ho!!!