Friday, November 23, 2007

Thanks Giving 2007

Today is the Black Friday - the so called Friday after the Thanks Giving holiday in the United States. On this day most Stores give huge discounts for early shoppers and most Americans take benefit of this. The shopping on the day after Thanks Giving i.e. Black Friday is also taking shape as a modern American tradition.

Also in a strange turn this year again we decided to go for a long drive on Thanks Giving day, that too on the whim, absolutely without a plan. However this year it was just to the Chicago Down Town albeit thru newly built or unexplored highways like I-355 extension to I-80 and then thru I-57 North. These were the highways we traveled for the first time. It was an interesting ride of about 150 miles (insted of straight route of 80-90 miles) and we enjoyed it thru talks and sight seeing from the Car windows.

Last year we went to Quad Cities on Illinois-Iowa border and also without any planning. That was about 250 Miles trip and also was completely unplanned on the whim.

Any how some other initiatives I have worked on this year are - Nagpur First, Hindi teaching and Support to Pusla Jain temple renovation-cum-expansion.

Nagpur First is a group of Nagpur related enthusiasts, who are coming together to support and contribute in Nagpur becoming truly Global City very soon. This is being achieved thru various initiatives. We have listed all the details at

Hindi teaching has been revived this year by finding a new teacher - Ajay Jain, who has taken it up really sincerely and is teaching at the Jain Temple in Chicago. He has already taken 7 classes, where in I could only participate in 3 of them. Hopefully during December class on 10th I will be there. Now we have a proper curriculum, the notice gets published in JSMC yahoo group email and number of students have increased to double digits.

Lastly I have been inspired by the story of Mr. Sharad Bhagwatkar, who is renovating and expanding a Jain temple in his native village of Pusla - 80 Kms from Nagpur. This temple has been built originally in 1878 and was in not so good condition. Although Mr. Bhagwatkar has been a simple accountant in Nagpur Police commissioner's office and was not working since 1993, due to major accident, which kept him bed ridden for 4 years and another 2 years walking with stick. But now due his Will power, tenacity and perseverance he runs marathons, for raising money for the temple. This he had started at the age of 62 in the year 2002 and have so afr completed Mumbai, Chennai, Bangalore, Delhi and Chicago Marathons. I am helping and supporting him and his son Vivek's efforts here amongst Chicago Jain Society. Some day I would like to write a great story of this inspiring gentleman for providing motivation to young people.

Also there are possibilities unfolding with Vivek that I could fulfill my dream of social entrepreneurship at multiple places in Central India. More on that at a later date.

Today I would again like to emphasize the learnings of last year that Forgiveness, Patience and Love (Kshama, Dhiraj aur Prem) are the KEYs to solve all major issues including relationships in life. Also I have realized in last few days that Controlling Anger is most important thing and that's the reason why Jainism says 'Ahimsa Paramo Dharmah' - Non-Violence is the Supreme Religion. As with violence comes from anger.

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