In this post I share some observations and learning that I got during an intense 5 weeks (Jan 22 to Feb 26, 2018) trip to South Korea (1), Japan (2) and India (2). During this time I traveled to the following cities (not repeating the names):
- Seoul
- Daejong
- Tokyo
- Nagoya
- Hiroshima
- Fuchu (Fukuyama)
- Kyoto
- Osaka
- Gurgaon/Delhi
- Hansi
- Hisar
- Jabalpur
- Sagar
- Khurai
- Nagpur
- Vivra (Akola)
- Sirpur (Jain)
- Bengaluru
- Hasan
- Shravanbelagola
These observations and learning are not in any particular order or importance.
South Korea:
- South Korea (SK) is highly developed, very competitive and a proud society.
- SK is more advanced than most European countries
- A sizable population is educated in US universities and generally most top people in business are comfortable conversing in English. Yet the common folks do not know any English or other language.
- Japan still an Advanced country on all possible parameters, yet seems to have lost the competitive spirit and become contented to manage its non-participating role in the world.
- The Bullet Train system is just amazing and the Train network truly connects its people across the land.
- Even the top people of industry and business find it difficult to express themselves in English or any other language than Japanese.
- Many more women have 'arrived' in the society; yet their level compared to most other societies is still lower than men.
- It's a very religious society that denies itself to be so and seems proud of the denial.
- The rate of change in Indian Society is most rapid since I have been observing (last 35-40 years). I already feel, as if I belong to 'old school' than today's society, including my generation in India.
- Women have truly 'arrived' in all possible fields in the country and society; be it Business, Industry, Soldiers, Pilots, Petrol Pump attendants, Security officers (police and others) or for that matter any field. Yet, the general attitude towards females has marginally changed.
- There are many Indias existing at the same time and progressing at a very different pace, all co-existing with each other peacefully.
- My DEL-JLR flight by SpiceJet had Women Pilots and Men Crew; something not experienced by me in any other flight.
- Young people are getting in to and aspiring many new professions, such as - Architects in movies, Business women, Sound Engineer in Bands, etc.
- Almost all middle class daughters aspire to be working outside home and are getting educated on those lines. Most importantly their families are also encouraging this trend, unlike the past.
- Most young people from Middle Classes are marrying people of their choices irrespective of their caste, region or religion compatibility. And surprisingly families are accepting this, some even encouraging.
- 'Freedom of Expression' have been taken to really extreme levels without any limits or scruples.
- The media has become cut throat for TRP and hence are using every tactic to sell their news, shows or whatever, at any cost.
- Most people seem to believe in main stream and social media fake news without bothering to check facts or verifying it.
- Air travel has truly become common men mode of travel. One encounters so many 'first time' travelers or 'unsophisticated air travelers' these days.
- Religiosity, Orthodoxy and old ways are still thriving despite the society modernizing at the fastest pace ever.