Well I am writing this Blog today in a little not-so-good-mood. As today was one of those days, when I did not do real important stuff, but just whiled away my time in less priority work. I do not know, why this happens, but it does.
In any case, last 3 weeks have been quite hectic too. First was the follow up of and relaxation after the India trip and then attending Kellogg's IBC, visit to Midland, Michigan for Dow project etc. Well here are the Major events:
1. Discussed with the partner and decided not to pursue the liability model with collaborator on Clinical Research. This had brought in a bit of dejection, but over last 2 weeks+ got over that too. Now I am not making any one wrong about it, just that the choices made by people are of not my liking.
2. Have completed reading 2 books of Sudha Murty: a fantastic writer and the Chairperson of Infosys Foundation. It has given me lots of insights in to Opportunities, Challenges and Risks associated being a social entrepreneur in India. Also made me realize that my post 2012 organization must have a good source of income to sustain a good level of social work.
It has also inspired me to write my own experiences and anecdotes. I have now planned to do so at this BLOG.
Also started Steve Hamm's book 'Bangalore Tiger' which tells WIPRO story and brings to the world's notice the emergence Indian Transnationals.
3. Looks like the hard won project from Dow is slipping from Aagami. Have tried the level Best to keep it going, but the circumstances have changed and so we will have reconcile with the fact.
4. Attended Kellogg's India Business Conference on March 3rd. An extremely well spent day. Reminded me of the 5 years back conference, which precipitated my thoughts of changing my field to LifeSciences from IT. Met many good people and listened to Stalwarts of Indian community in the world, like Rajat Gupta, Shashi Tharoor, Ambassador Ronen Sen, CEO of Dr. Reddy's and many others. Plus met with Dipak Jain, Dean of the school, who was ever impressive with his insightful comments during the beginning and ending of the conference.
5. The thought discussed with Life Sciences mentor on switching again to moving in to Investment field with Life Sciences and IT focus is getting crystallized. This is mainly because it does seem that I can not get major value add in Life Sciences business in the current model of being a Consultant or Agent. So unless Clinical Research Collaborator agrees for a merger of companies or some other major assignments come through, I must start evaluating options seriously. And also discuss these points with collaborators frankly and honestly.
6. On Saturday took our Tenant family for Lunch and also planned the 'selling off' of the 1907 Tufton Ct house. Now it has to be put in action. The renting family has been an 'excellent tenants' so far and also showing tremendous cooperation going forward.
7. Have spent good time with family both Wife and kids and feel good that our relationship has improved tremendously. I have truly learnt 'play, fun and ease' from Landmark at least in the family relationship.
8. Also from this month revived teaching at Jain Center - Pathshala. Invited new members there, at least one enthusiast showed up. And have confirmed reviving Hindi classes at Jain center from April 8th too.
Overall the Life is going on as BEST as it should. And I am being reminded every day that "whatever Happens, Happens for Good". Also have understood life's lesson that any thing is possible if we have FTLP (Forgiveness-Trust-Love-Patience) in every relationship[including the one with the self].